
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Becoming New

The site is, and so am I!

Welcome to Light of Freedom, a place for me to share the things that really make my world go around, like well... light and freedom.  I am interested not only in government and world freedom, but also in the freedom of individuals like me and you.  And for me, as with Einstein, it is all about light.  I love sunrises, summer days, and Christmas lights, but probably my favorite type of illumination is the glow or sparkle that comes into a person's eyes when they see or feel or become something new, when they find a power or an idea or a strength that is part of who they really are and who they are meant to be.  That is what I spend all day every day hoping to create - the light of freedom. 

Take today's lesson, for instance.  Far too often I see people running around trying to battle the big bad enemy, the "master of the world," the "root of all evil," and everyone's nasty boss.  We let it manipulate, control, deaden and enslave us more than perhaps anything else I can think of, at least in the "free" world in the west.  We hate it, fear it, are angry at it, and spend our lives trying to get it.  You know what I'm talking about?  Dough.  Cash. Greenbacks. The Almighty Dollar.  Other US words include "gravy," "loot," and "wherewithal." (thank you

So what is the challenge about this stuff that provides us with movie tickets, ferraris, and gold watches?  Well, simply that it DOES provide those things for us, and a lot more than that.  What would we do without it?  The simple answer?  Die.  Yes, death.  Because whether we realize it or not, our subconscious brain also associates money with food, water, and shelter.  Every time we go to the grocery store, what is the common denominator? Money. When we make a house payment, what do we pay with?  Money.  Going back to its origins, we associate money with the things that will keep us alive. 

If we were to go deeper, then, we might begin to understand why money then has become such a source of such control and fear.  It may be that to truly be free in a world dominated by money, we need to have the same kind of courage that earlier people needed to face battles when conquering forces with swords and guns threatened their freedom.  What does this mean to us today, and what can we do about it?  Stay tuned...

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